Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
"Why doesn't Farcaster have $0 sign ups" Why doesn't Etheruem have $0 gas fees?
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson pfp
Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
@slokh was saying at /latenightcrew that you could decouple fid sign-ups from storage (being able to cast). That this would allow sign-ups to be free, if an fid was all that the user wanted, since storage is what costs $ Idea being that apps that have nothing to do with casting could onboard users to FC for free. So FC could much faster "proliferate" as an identity layer, at least, while the network layer catches up.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
What value is there in an FID with no social graph or activity?
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Stephan pfp
Would enable storing messages off hubs and allow anyone to permissionlessly bring them onto hubs by sponsoring storage
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