Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Small improvement on Warpcast mobile: least interacted with If you go to your profile and tap following, we now show you a list of users you haven't replied to or reacted to. And you're able to unfollow all with two taps.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Useful as we prepare to migrate follows to Hubs. To start, each Farcaster user (i.e. an FID) can follow up to 2500 other users. We'll likely have a way to increase this amount once we're on mainnet later this year. Right now, there are only ~90 users following >2500 users, and this feature should solve for 80/90.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
FAQ When are you moving follows to Hubs? June 14 (a week from tomorrow) What happens if I'm over the limit? We will remove your most recent follows until you're under the limit Why are you limiting the number of follows? Bigger topic which is tied to Hubs having finite storage space
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Why not least interacted follows as a default?
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Adam pfp
Appreciate the clarity. Excited for the next chapter of Warpcast
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