Alex pfp



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Alex pfp
I just collected "Farcaster: Lion"
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys From left to right, artist's concepts of the Spitzer, Planck and Kepler space telescopes. NASA extended Spitzer and Kepler for two additional years; and the U.S. portion of Planck, a European Space Agency mission, for one year.
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys The fracture is this image cuts right through a hill, indicating tremendous tectonic stresses were at work to create this feature. Orbit Number: 45159 Latitude: 9.35155 Longitude: 159.905 Instrument: VIS Captured: 2012-02-18 15:48
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys This Dawn framing camera (FC) image of Vesta shows a small crater with ejecta made of dark material, in the center of the image. This crater is roughly 1.25 kilometers (0.78 miles) in diameter, has a reasonably sharp rim and the dark ejecta extends for roughly 1.5 kilometers (0.93 miles).
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys The peculiar galaxy Centaurus A as seen in longer infrared wavelengths and X-rays. Inner structural features seen in this image are helping scientists to understand the mechanisms and interactions within the galaxy, as are the jets seen extending over thousands of light years from the black hole believed to be at its heart.
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys This Dawn framing camera (FC) image of Vesta shows the sharp, fresh crater rim of a large crater that is only partly in the bottom right corner of this image. There are a number of areas of bright material slumping from the rim and near the rim of this crater towards its center.
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys The roughly 20-kilometer-diameter (12-mile-diameter) crater, named Helena, in the center of this image of Vesta has an interesting bipolar morphology. The left side of Helena crater has a fresh and distinctive rim. Dark and bright material crops out of this part of the rim and slumps towards the center of the crater.
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys Globular star cluster NGC 6355 from the Hubble Space Telescope
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys NGC 1360: The Blackbird's Egg Nebula. This nebula is 1,500 light years away and is shaped and colored like the blue egg of a wandering blackbird. The nebula is about 3 light years across and is located in the southern constellation Fornax.
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys The Barnard Merope Reflection Nebula (IC 349) in the Pleiades Cluster. The nebula is a cloud of interstellar gas and dust passing through the Pleiades star cluster at a relative velocity of 11 km/s. IC 349 is currently only 0.06 light-years from the star Merope, located in the upper right corner outside the frame.
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys Space shuttle Columbia lifts off from Launch Pad 39A during the ill-fated STS-107 mission. January 16, 2003.
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys Stars and globules in the Chicken Runner Nebula. The emission nebula pictured here, cataloged as IC 2944, is also called the Chicken Runner Nebula for its general shape. The colors in this image have been specially selected for scientific research.
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys Stephan's Quintet from the James Webb, Hubble and Subaru telescopes
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys Saturn's moon Mimas, photographed by Cassini on November 19, 2016, using infrared (IR3), green (GRN) and ultraviolet (UV3) filters.
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Alex pfp
@dralexsys Galaxies NGC 4485 (top) and NGC 4490. These galaxies are gravitationally bound, and their interactions have warped them both from spirals to irregulars. The object is located 25 million light years away in the constellation Canes Venatici.
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Alex pfp
A glare from the sun on the hydrocarbon Kraken Sea on Saturn's moon Titan. This image was taken by the Cassini probe on July 8, 2008. The sea is 1,170 km long and has an area of ​​about 400,000 square kilometers - slightly larger than the Caspian Sea on Earth.
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Alex pfp
The Trifid Nebula (M20) in infrared light, taken with the Spitzer Space Telescope. M20 is 5,500 light years away and has a diameter of about 30 light years.
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Alex pfp
Realistic size and distance between the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy
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Alex pfp
The Perseus galaxy cluster (Abell 426) in X-ray light
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Alex pfp
Cosmos (cosmic space) - relatively empty sections of the universe that lie outside the boundaries of the atmospheres of celestial bodies. Cosmos is a world as a whole, a world order, an ordered universe as opposed to chaos.
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