For those who run Farcaster hubs, what's your storage utilization like and do you think there is merit in an archival solution once the hub size exceeds like 1TB? Also, devs building on Farcaster - what might you use a decentralized storage network designed for persistence with retrievability guarantees? cc @v
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Daniel Fernandes
I was running a hub on Digital Ocean, but I wasn't using it recently. I could see archival being useful, but it seems like more of a feature for users than hub operators. The hub feels more like a just-in-time message processing firehose, so making it hold less state should be the goal.
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https://docs.farcaster.xyz/learn/architecture/overview says '..a p2p network of Hubs which store user data, including: Posting a public message, Following another user, Reacting to a post..." Wouldn't this grow over time for the hubs? And, how might users be offered more storage - would it be up to the clients?
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