Daniel Fernandes pfp

Daniel Fernandes


781 Following

Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Can we get EIP-1271 added to EigenPods? There is already a read-only podOwner() function but it would nice to be able to prove ownership by adding the standard `isValidSignature()` that would just delegate to whatever address the podOwner is set to.
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Great interview with @jchervinsky! https://warpcast.com/laurashin/0x790dc2b9
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Onchain Summer 2: The Summering
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Has anyone experimented with https://www.pubpub.org/? Seems to be an alternative to traditional publishing, backed by MIT & Protocol Labs among others https://twitter.com/BobbyHollings/status/1780925432281366760
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Crypto is the capital singularity to match the technological, Vingean, singularity.
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
High inflation means asset prices should go up because the dollar is being devalued.
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Always suspected this https://www.wsj.com/us-news/law/apartment-rent-fixing-drawing-nationwide-legal-scrutiny-8b2867ab?st=2ecn57hqxnbrx6p&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Apropos of nothing https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxuBBXZByRPKrozwcYVREG9iXPZuYzYNEy?si=nd4I6RsRMrbmPzTC
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
*slaps roof* this NUC can fit so many blocks inside it
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Delving into the delve debate. There are myriad ways to express ourselves depending on context. Sending a pitch email? Use simple English and try not to deplete the language processing faculties of your reader. Sending a tweet? Be short but characters are expensive, so flex Writing a novel? Go ham.
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Stake weighted QoS means validators are gatekeepers of the network. The water between end customers/users and service providers to a network get muddied real quick.
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Jungle Bird Clarified Milk Punch Amazing how clear this got despite the red Campari
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Reminder for tomorrow: Don't look at the sun! Your retina can't repair itself! https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/20/health/total-solar-eclipse-eye-safety.html?unlocked_article_code=1.eU0.Ld62.mAUnOYg5oQoN&smid=url-share
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Telegram is actually a garbage product and I'm shocked so many in crypto use it.
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Trying to decide if I should get into darts or pool next
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Testing: https://drakula.app/post/785f173d-2f1f-4193-9879-12f7f0d182bc?invite=JJPWGH
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
Lazy Saturday @ Cash Only
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
I'm looking at BlueSky's infra for DIDs and it's interesting that they don't really have a solution to DID lookup besides a central directory server. The solution is to use a blockchain, but many are not fans of crypto, and the RPCs in the mix add friction (forget running a node).
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
The first interview absolutely maddening and the second interview is a breath of fresh air. The third solution not being discussed is transparent, decentralized, social media. https://the-realignment.simplecast.com/episodes/469-taylor-corbin
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