Deva pfp



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Deva pfp
I wanna invite you to stop scrolling for one minute, close your eyes and think about the world when everyone on earth including you, unconditionally loves and accepts themselves exactly as they are in this moment. How does that feel and look for you? Doesn't it bring you joyful feelings to imagine a world like that? What if you could create this to be true in the world just from thinking about it for 1 minute each day? Could you spare 1 minute a day to create a better world for you, the people you love and care about and the entirety of existence? If nothing else, at least I have got you to think about it for 1 minute and that alone is enough to inspire more love in the world. I appreciate you for your assistance in creating a world where there is more love! πŸ’«πŸ˜πŸ§‘
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Deva pfp
I woke up from a dream earlier where I was trying to get to a pub that I used to go to regularly a few years ago when I lived in England. I was living in a different house and the pub was in a different place and the Uber went the longest way around, it was a woman driving who couldn't really understand English, I was getting frustrated asking her why she was going the wrong way but she didn't get what I meant and continued driving. When we got close to the pub I said 'It's here, stop!' but she carried on driving so I started freaking out a bit I was going 'HEY, STOP, STOP, YOU'VE DROVE PAST IT, WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?'. Eventually she dropped me in the middle of a town centre, but it was really far from the pub & obviously I was feeling very annoyed and frustrated. So I walked a bit to try and cool off and came across a group of people that offered me a lift. But the strange thing is, I feel that I woke up before I made it to the pub because my point when ...πŸ‘‡πŸΌ
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Deva pfp
In order to find what we seek in the world outside of us, we must first find it within. When you are ready to stop searching outside of you, when you are tired of being faced with disappointment, fear, anxiety, lack and disconnection, and when you are ready to connect with your divine, infinite, abundant, limitless self, when you are ready to meet with unconditional, internal, fulfilment so that it can be matched in your external reality... I will be here to guide you there! πŸ«‚β™ΎοΈπŸ’–βœ¨ You can contact me directly for a free no obligation conversation of how I can help you here πŸ‘‡πŸΌ Phaver : deva888 X/IG/TT : thehealingdeva Facebook : Deva Ceri
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Deva pfp
Finally figured out how to change my profile pic. Still not sure on how to do some other stuff on here though... Such as re Connect my wallet to warpcast and re verify myself on phaver. So if anyone can help me with that I'd be very grateful πŸ₯°πŸ™ŒπŸΌβœ¨
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Deva pfp
I was homeless from April 2023, went solo travelling in Sept, arrived in Mexico in Oct. I decided I loved it so much so I stayed and found a long term apartment and now I'm living my dream life. I think it's phenomenal that I changed my life drastically in such a short space of time. And this proves that nothing is impossible, everything depends on your mind set. There are no limits to what you can achieve. If you really want to achieve something you will find a way!
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Deva pfp
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Deva pfp
One of my biggest wishes is that I learned how to regulate my emotions a lot sooner. It has completely changed my life and is also now helping me to help others change their lives. Most people struggle to do anything in life when their nervous system is deregulated, I know this because I've been there. I struggled to cope with almost everything, as my body was in a constant state of stress, fight or flight and I spent so much time feeling anxious before I learned how to regulate my emotions. If you feel that you're more often than not, feeling stressed, anxious and find life to be overwhelming, then it's likely due to having a deregulated nervous system. If this is you, I'd love to help you by teaching you how to regulate your nervous system so you can feel a lot more comfortable in your day to day life, and so you can thrive and achieve the things you desire with ease and comfort. Reach out if you feel it's something you'd like to delve into with me.
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Deva pfp
Loving and accepting your every being, authentically and unconditionally will for sure reflect a better reality to you! 🀩✨
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Deva pfp
Can anyone help me please? When I click on this it takes me to a web page to connect my wallet, from there I select the metamask wallet and click connect and confirm but it just sends me back to this page.
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Deva pfp
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Deva pfp
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Deva pfp
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Deva pfp
I'd love to connect with females on web3 socials that are familiar with sex magic and use masturbation as a spiritual practice for healing, manifesting & creating... I'm particularly looking for women that would be open to talking about their experiences live on TT and podcasts. In the future I plan to do workshops and retreats on it worldwide, so I would love to connect with women in all parts of the world that are keen to be involved with this at some point in the future! P.S I asked chat GPT to generate me an image the represents an ethereal orgasmic explosion and this was the result 🌸✨😍
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Deva pfp
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Deva pfp
I am genuinely grateful simply for the fact that I get to be here on this planet, just being a human experiencing all the amazing wonders of life. But not so long ago I really didn't like being here or feel that there was any point in my existence. The end of 2022 was the last time I felt that I was better off not being here anymore, but I felt that way throughout my life countless times. But I was conscious enough then, to know that if I wanted my life to change only I could make it change. So I decided to intentionally take the actions to re-create myself & my life. Fast forward to now, It's been less than 2 years since I last felt that I didn't want to be here anymore, and I am now living my dream life in Mexico. And now I wake up every day feeling grateful to be alive & for all of the wonderful things that life has to offer. Yesterday, like most days, I had no plan but I knew it was going to be a great day whatever I did. I started my day with a Dr. Joe Dispenza meditation, pilates & my ...πŸ‘‡πŸΌ
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Deva pfp
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Deva pfp
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Deva pfp
What if ... Nothing actually has a meaning unless we assign a meaning to it? What if, the reality that we experience is nothing but a projection of our thoughts, beliefs & perceptions. What if all that we see & experience is something that we have solely created? What if, we start embodying being the divine, infinite, limitless, abundant, conscious, creator? What if, we stop giving so much power to our external experiences, & instead of unconsciously, automatically assuming & assigning a meaning to everything that we experience, we simply observe it without judgement & get curious about why it's there? What if, we invited the questions into our consciousness such as, 'Does this really mean what I've believed it means up until this point, or is it just what I thought I believed due to past experiences? What can I learn from this? How can I grow from this? Can it be possible that the things I experience are happening for me to assist me, instead of things happening to me or against me?' πŸ‘‡πŸΌ
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Deva pfp
What if ... Nothing actually has a meaning unless we assign a meaning to it? What if, the reality that we experience is nothing but a projection of our thoughts, beliefs & perceptions. What if all that we see & experience is something that we have solely created? What if, we start embodying being the divine, infinite, limitless, abundant, conscious, creator? What if, we stop giving so much power to our external experiences, & instead of unconsciously, automatically assuming & assigning a meaning to everything that we experience, we simply observe it without judgement & get curious about why it's there? What if, we invited the questions into our consciousness such as, 'Does this really mean what I've believed it means up until this point, or is it just what I thought I believed due to past experiences? What can I learn from this? How can I grow from this? Can it be possible that the things I experience are happening for me to assist me, instead of things happening to me or against me?' πŸ‘‡πŸΌ
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Deva pfp
Most, if not all problems can be solved with core communication. Most people's problems lie in the fact that they don't know how to effectively communicate.
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