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billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
Thanks for all the response! Now if you have sold your OG NFT, why did you sell? I did because I thought 1) FID alone can prove OG status (dwr published a list) 2) expected airdrop value diminishes as more people sell
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Deniz 🧿 pfp
Deniz 🧿
Keeping the OG NFT makes sense, because of sentimental value. However, I don't quite get why someone would buy an OG NFT, unless you will get something in return, which at this point nobody knows. Buying the OG NFT will not make someone an OG imo. You either were early or you weren't.
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Deniz 🧿 pfp
Deniz 🧿
"I'm a Farcaster OG" "Really? When did you join?" "Yesterday. But I bought the OG NFT!" 😅
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