james pfp



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james pfp
Fantastic stuff!
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james pfp
What’s the thesis here @giu ?
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james pfp
On behalf of me, I hate you and your deck. That is all. Sincerely, long game intricate combo decks.
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james pfp
Kicking off a new campaign tonight. Couple of thoughts: 1. Constraining a party to a town is enabling me to build better RP. 2. ChatGPT is a great thought partner for remembering my ideas. 3. PocketBard might be the coolest new DM tool I've used.
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james pfp
actually a GM.
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james pfp
Let me ask the question we all want to ask: WHERE SHOULD I EAT BBQ? Any top spots from the locals?
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james pfp
Kicked off a passion project: accountants.xyz to highlight the best crypto partners for web3 teams in the space. If you know a great crypto accountant who supports businesses that should be featured -- DC me.
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james pfp
There is nothing more heartbreaking and validating than your kids being sad when you have to go on a business trip. I don’t want them to be sad, but I like that they expect to miss me.
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james pfp
Did some long form writing on the role a web3 product could have in office leasing. Someone should build this and give me some bps. https://dempz.xyz/blog/tokenizing-the-workplace
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james pfp
I’ll buy some at 33k - you selling?
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james pfp
Bags are too heavy.
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james pfp
Supposedly it hasn’t been necessary for 20 years.
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james pfp
1 hr in. Knees uncomfortable but not desperate yet. Fellow ahead of me is definitely also a degen on way to ETHDenver. Vibes are good. Will keep you updated.
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james pfp
Obligatory leg pic. Pray for my knees and that the guy ahead of me isn’t sleepy.
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james pfp
I hear it’s about to get much nicer - but weather is too risky - that’s why I just hold ETH.
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james pfp
If you have a fighter or barb on your team, Guiding Bolt: Offers strong single-target damage and grants advantage on the next attack roll against the target.
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james pfp
Not a damage dealer per se, but I love Silence: Useful for shutting down enemy spellcasters in a specific area.
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james pfp
Just don’t let it touch your ledger
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james pfp
Best part of being a big boi is buying clothes in XL on final clearance sale. If it’s returnable I’m not buying.
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james pfp
If I think about TCGs like MTG, they use visual cues for legendary status and change the set color for uncommon, rare, mythic cards. Changing the font color, adding an emblem, some kind of frame? Not a designer, but whatever it is needs to be consistent across the cards.
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