james pfp



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james pfp
Kicking off a new campaign tonight. Couple of thoughts: 1. Constraining a party to a town is enabling me to build better RP. 2. ChatGPT is a great thought partner for remembering my ideas. 3. PocketBard might be the coolest new DM tool I've used.
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james pfp
Let me ask the question we all want to ask: WHERE SHOULD I EAT BBQ? Any top spots from the locals?
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james pfp
Kicked off a passion project: accountants.xyz to highlight the best crypto partners for web3 teams in the space. If you know a great crypto accountant who supports businesses that should be featured -- DC me.
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james pfp
There is nothing more heartbreaking and validating than your kids being sad when you have to go on a business trip. I don’t want them to be sad, but I like that they expect to miss me.
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james pfp
Did some long form writing on the role a web3 product could have in office leasing. Someone should build this and give me some bps. https://dempz.xyz/blog/tokenizing-the-workplace
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james pfp
Obligatory leg pic. Pray for my knees and that the guy ahead of me isn’t sleepy.
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james pfp
Best part of being a big boi is buying clothes in XL on final clearance sale. If it’s returnable I’m not buying.
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james pfp
Cracked packs, some thoughts: 1. The website > farcaster auth > wallet sig experience was as seamless as you get in web3. It felt really good -- one directional path. 2. The cast to FC to view mechanism is very smart. Puts social sharing in the happy path -- ofc that's what I did.
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james pfp
Pack Reveal /farworld - Pack #268! πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
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james pfp
Pack Reveal /farworld - Pack #267! πŸ‘€
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james pfp
I have a long to do list to get through today. Then packs. Packs will wait for me.
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james pfp
wen I open packs
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james pfp
What’s an asset class that’s hard to get exposure to but worth a try?
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james pfp
lol I somehow minted two explorers. Any use in those?
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james pfp
Nova does more monthly volume than Arb One for the first time this month. Ideas on what projects are driving this major uptick?
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james pfp
Come hang out with me at our Open Cafe on Thursday! Collaborating with some awesome teams. Let’s meet IRL! DC me with questions. https://lu.ma/opencafeethdenver1
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james pfp
Would love to get a sense of who owns Outcasts. Any idea for a census of sorts? Would be sweet if we can find ways to help fellow outcasters?
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james pfp
GM Outcasts. Willing to trade my heartbroken sad boy, tortured by an unexpected twist in his commuting read. Outcast #260
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james pfp
So…. Outcasts meet up at ETHDenver?
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james pfp
Someone posted a note about how there wasn't a good way to "bet" on farcaster, and that /outcasts might be the way. Can't find the article now. Anyone have this top of mind?
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