Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
The term "floor" feels outdated for the majority of new NFTs. Every time I see it on a media, commemorative, or app NFT, it almost makes the product feel broken. No way floor goes away, but I do wonder if the successful NFT products and marketplaces from the previous cycle will be held back by this in the next one.
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Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍 pfp
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍
I feel like a better metric might be the average sale price using some moving average, like 7 day or 30 day or something. Super easy to game though.
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Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍 pfp
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍
Floor price is a good stand in for knowing that if you had some sort of emergency and needed to sell an NFT right away, the floor price is probably the minimum you could get for it.
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