🥷📲 if a neutral, borderless, Stablecoin is the killer crypto app, next steps: robust oracle, anti-fragile to TVL increase, anti-fragile to volatility increase. Bonus: Increased TVL has anti-fragile effect on L1. Let’s build it together.
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✳️ dcposch on daimo
RAI is those things, and it turns out to be expensive. Its slow depreciation measures the market price for all that eth price risk. DAI/USDC get around it by being custodial. Always $1, but even that is expensive—a money market fund pays 4.5% while USDC pays 0%
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✳️ dcposch on daimo
I wonder what the world would have to look like for rai to be flat or appreciating. Maybe if enough real world work was being done in RAI that borrowing it became sought after? If someone understands this more crisply I’d love to hear it.
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Im trying to get the RAI guys on here. So you’ll have to take the B team explanation. RAI has a negative rate to stabilize the value. This is not uncommon concept. DAI has even had talks about this same thing
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