alex pfp
🥷📲 if a neutral, borderless, Stablecoin is the killer crypto app, next steps: robust oracle, anti-fragile to TVL increase, anti-fragile to volatility increase. Bonus: Increased TVL has anti-fragile effect on L1. Let’s build it together.
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
RAI is those things, and it turns out to be expensive. Its slow depreciation measures the market price for all that eth price risk. DAI/USDC get around it by being custodial. Always $1, but even that is expensive—a money market fund pays 4.5% while USDC pays 0%
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Patrick pfp
Im trying to get the RAI guys on here. So you’ll have to take the B team explanation. RAI has a negative rate to stabilize the value. This is not uncommon concept. DAI has even had talks about this same thing
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