Dan Welden  pfp

Dan Welden


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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Rise and shine everyone! It’s humpday 💪🏼 Another new demo will be coming out later today. For now, as you start your workday, think of ways you can expand your skill sets. Personally, I’m taking Shopify courses to do better for breedwell.com. I also started my Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate from Grow with Google. There are many free ways you can learn and grow, giving you the opportunity to make more at your current job or apply for jobs that pay more. So maybe on your lunch break or after work, check out Grow with Google (grow.google) and see if there’s anything of interest. Hope this is helpful for some of you and I love you all 🫶🤗
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Good morning all you beautiful people ☀️
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Serious question! Does anyone else check the fridge several times hoping there will be something you missed that will peak your interest only to be disappointed to find the exact same things you just saw 😤?
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
New Demo 🥳 I’m a bit rusty getting back into the swing of things. This one is using on pull-up assist/super band to perform 5 different exercises back to back. Resistance band sumo deadlifts, glute kickbacks, hammer curls, tricep extensions, back flys. Perform each until failure but be sure to match each side when doing kickbacks and hammer curls. Take a 1 to 3 min break and repeat 2 or more times. OnlyGymFans.com 💪🏼
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Good morning everyone! Happy Monday ☀️ I hope you all had a great weekend. Going into this week, try to go in with a leadership type attitude. Many of us have become complacent and accustom to not expressing our ideas, stepping up to new challenges, and just following orders. So I encourage all of you who have fallen into this rhythm to be the leader that you’ve always been, not the follower you’ve become. Not just at work but within your community and on social media. You all have it within. Just make the choice to show it. I hope your Monday is off to a great start🤗🫶
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Good morning! Happy Sunday funday 🥳 I hope you all are able to enjoy your last day of the weekend before the workweek fun begins. Have a great day 🫶🤗
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Happy Saturday everyone ☀️ I hope your weekend is off to a great start. What does everyone have planned for today?
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Good morning everyone 🤗 It’s Friday 🥳 I just finished my workout and wanted to leave you all with another motivational post. For this weekend I encourage all of you to do something selfless. It will help a lot of you overcome this mental funk you might be in whether it’s from the change in weather or post election blues. Know that, selfish people are a dime a dozen. Selfless people are a rare gem. Always strive to be a rare gem. I hope you all have an amazing day and a fantastic weekend. 🫶❤️
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Working on getting thicc 💪🏼 Trying to hit 200lbs by the time I’m 42 (June 19th). I’m at 177lbs now, 23lbs to go. Wish me luck🤞🏼OnlyGymFans.com
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday 🥳 A little morning pep talk for you. Something you can always count on is for life to pull you off the tracks. You have to find the strength from within to get your caboose back on the tracks, and like The Little Engine That Could, just keep saying “I think I can!” So keep on going everyone. It’s almost the weekend. Have a great day and I love you all 🤗
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Fresh haircut from Riverside Barber Shop 💈Highly recommend if you’re in Wichita.
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Good morning everyone! Today is a very emotional day, either bad or good, for many people. I do not express political views on social media because I want to be a safe person for everyone. So for today, I will just leave you all with a smile and say I will continue to spread love and positivity during this emotional time. My heart goes out to all those in negative head space as it should regardless of who you voted for.
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Time for me to shower and go to bed. I wish I could stay up to watch the election results but I have a very early day tomorrow. I’m hopeful that I wake up to positive news. Sleep well everyone and sweet dreams 🤗
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Happy Tuesday! Tuesday thoughts 💭 Everyday you turn the page in your book of life giving you the opportunity to create a new story. So if you do not like your current story, turn the page and start a new one. I hope you all are having a wonderful day and I love you all!
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
I hope your Monday has gone well! Hugs to everyone 🤗
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Happy Monday everyone! Something to get you thinking about to start your week. Nobody is perfect. If you’re trying to be perfect, you’re trying to please everyone, which ends in pleasing no one. So it’s impossible to be perfect, but it is possible to continually learn and improve yourself. I hope this is helpful to start your week.
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Happy Sunday funday! My Sunday started with several meta errors and my personal Facebook account is now restricted until Oct 25, 2025 because of an ai error and it won’t even let me appeal it. I rarely post to my personal Facebook 🤦🏻‍♂️ Oh well! I hope everyone else is having a great weekend. If you’re having a bit of a stressful day like me, just take a deep breath and redirect your energy toward things you can control. Back to work for me🫶🏻🧸 I love you all!
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Happy Saturday! It’s a rainy day here in Wichita. Instead of staying inside and doing nothing, I did my first 3 hour workout in a long time. Burned 1,587 calories 🥳 My advice to you is don’t lock yourself indoors and binge watch Netflix shows on a dreary day. Instead, get to the gym and push yourself. Or if you have a home gym, spend extra time working out. This will also help fight seasonal depression as the days get colder and shorter. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend so far!
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Good night amazing people! I hope you all sleep well and beautiful dreams! I love you all 🧸🫶🏻🤗
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Dan Welden  pfp
Dan Welden
Happy Friday! I can’t believe it’s already November. This year has flown by. A lot of people wait until January 1st for their New Year’s resolutions. Why not start this weekend? Why put it off 2 more months? Then when January 1st comes around, you’ll already be 2 months ahead of if you would have waited. So I recommend starting yours this weekend and be 2 steps ahead of the game. I hope you all have a great weekend 🤗🫶🏻
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