Danny O'Brien pfp

Danny O'Brien


214 Following

Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
If you'd like to learn how to to contribute to open source like /ipfs /filecoin get some mentoring -- and want a little $FIL on the side, applications are open for the first cohort in the Protocol Labs Dev Guild! Info here: https://ecosystem-wg.notion.site/PL-Dev-Guild-4f9496e4c24245149b2d3537fdbbfa4e
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
Most surreal part of a rollercoaster last couple of weeks, I have an opportunity to buy an NFT of an AI-generated image of my arm. https://cointelegraph.com/news/filecoin-foundation-chinese-legal-inquiry-stfil-incident (detained developers are okay and have now met with their lawyers. That's the important bit.)
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
huh. I can't find a video format that supports hyperlinks in the video (ie regions that if you click on them, would browse to a URL). How would you do that?
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
@fil-foundation hello, my employer!
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
Filecoin now has a RetroPGF program! Nominate a project and they could get a cut of 200K of FIL! https://github.com/filecoin-project/community/discussions/691 (includes the whole Filecoin stack, so that also includes IPFS and LibP2P and other key dependencies)
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
@greg @zachterrell would it be possible to restart https://farcaster.network ? It looks like it stopped updating in September, and if so, it'd be fascinating to see those stats now!
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
٩(^‿^)۶ @mishmosh!
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
Hi @warpcast -- I'm seeing a couple of bugs. The email you send for me to buy WARP aren't getting through, and folks I invite with a link get "signupforInvite 500 -- Internal server error" when they try and join.
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
Spent a post-ethdenver weekend with founders of the Protocol Labs Network (https://directory.plnetwork.io/teams, aka The /filecoin Extended Cinematic Universe ). So many smart projects. Some quick picks ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
A pleasure!
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
quick everybody post while the mainline is at the ethdenver meetup
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
gave a talk at the /ethdenver /filecoin booth (devtopia! #204) and all our recording equipment BROKE i was so charismatic i am explained it all, people! filecoin, ipfs, mojonation, several satoshi theories, the nature of history! Pray you meet someone who saw it
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
I just minted my /ethdenver Crypto Cup on /icebreaker! 🧊🧊🧊 ➡️ 🇮🇸 Break the ice with enough attendees and win a trip to Iceland 👀 Mint here: https://icebreaker.xyz/cryptocup
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
Definitely feeling that the folks at the Open Information House are my people. Thanks to @rss3 , @anniiii and folks for letting me rant!
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
heylo /ethdenver ! Running from the /filecoin booth (in Devtopia #204) to speak at 2:30PM at Open Information House to tell dumb storis about the past and future of decentralization: https://openinformation.io/house
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
It's ok to publish your email address —and to give your users an option to publish theirs. The era of fighting spam through obscurity is over, and by only publishing your social media handles, you're tying all your private communications to them.
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
oh excellent, I found /dacc -- hello how are you you seem like my people here are some things that I think: https://ffdweb.org/digest/terminal-values-cognitive-liberty/ and here are my friends thoughts, including cory doctorow and mike masnick and such did i do it right?
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
still grokking frames but have a bit of a sense that they would do well mixed with Agoric's SES and some more ocap magic. Does anyone get the same feeling? https://agoric.com/blog/announcements/agoric-releases-ses?q
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
(Playing with crossposting with /yup I'm so relieved someone is building a decent cross-protocol posting app that it's making me explore Farcaster more. I like the vibe! I like you!) But yeah, ActivityPub support too please! ALL THE PROTOCOLS
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Danny O'Brien pfp
Danny O'Brien
Went to see Bark of Millions, a 4 hour queer rock opera. I am fascinated by loooooooong theater; Taylor Mac and co are elliptical and hedonistic and sweep you along even when you have no idea what is going on. https://www.pomegranatearts.com/projects-and-artists/bark-of-millions
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