Daniel McGlynn pfp

Daniel McGlynn


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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I extend the same logic to the idea that everyone says dumb stuff sometimes.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
2/ Seems like this could be a win-win, where I could bring new people into the newsletter, but also interact and reward the most engaged users onchain. This could almost be like an additional community that is part of the larger newsletter community.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
1/ Wondering if anyone is building an onchain referral system, or maybe a way to use a referral system to get people onchain? The main use case I'm interested in is having a referral program for my newsletter. In order to claim the referral reward the referrer would need a wallet address.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I don't know about you but I wind up having a lot of sidewalk conversations about crypto with my neighbors. I wrote this guide about moving onchain for them, but I wanted to share it in case you have similar conversations and want to point people somewhere. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/how-to-move-onchain-a-guide/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I want to create a post about wallet spam and I'm looking for suggestions on where to look or where to start? Ideally, I would love to connect with a project or person who is sending small amounts of currency to wallets. I'm trying to understand how it works from an engagement perspective. Any leads appreciated.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
This is great. I will definitely use this as a reference. Thank you for sharing it
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Curious what the verdict is
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I kind of view the character limit as a game. There's been a few times where I have tried to compose casts to use the entire character count and end up with a complete thought and zero characters left. But I would also like the ability to go long sometimes...
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Great photo
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I'm not totally sure why it feels different. Maybe it's a feedback thing or maybe it's writing for a clearly defined audience versus writing for a broad audience. Either way, I'm trying to get over it and post more.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
It's another Sunday Funday, which means it's also time for another issue of the newsletter. This one's all about how scaling is shaping up to be a major theme of this market cycle. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/issue-16-superchain-layer-3-and-the-push-to-scale/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I had a similar thing happen, but it wasn't on FC. My son played me Euphoria and Pushups while we were in the car together and filled me in a little bit about the back and forth. Diss tracks aside, I suddenly felt like a had someone else out there in the world helping me stay relevant.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I'm still not really sure why writing a 1,000-word blog piece feels pretty routine, like walking. But ask me to write a few hundred characters for social media and it feels like work, like running. I'm not sure why, or what to do about it.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
One of my daughters will do battle all day with her siblings. But before she goes to bed every night she makes sure to tell them she loves them. It's like her ritual version of a hug. It makes me smile every time.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Early blockchain, or more specifically, apps built on top of blockchain were like islands. It wasn't easy to move between them, but there were also advantages to the sense of clearly defined federation. For the good and/or the bad, supersizing changes things. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/scaling-with-superchain/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Thank you
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I'm a super reluctant social media user mainly because sometimes it feels like fast food. I do find value when I come across new ideas. Mainly I'm using social because I'm trying to get better a promoting my own work and connect with people who might be interested in it
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I thought my little foray into the Bitcoin halving and hashrate would be a one-week thing. By the looks of it, the halving and the launch of Runes has created some interesting dynamics. We'll dive into that next week. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/issue-14/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I'm sure you've had the conversation a million times too. The one where you try to explain how bitcoin works in two minutes or less. A key feature, and part of the reason the halving is such a big deal, is how bitcoin the asset is so well-defined. And pre-programmed, which is pretty amazing when you think about it.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Was recently thinking about this too and wondering why writers on the internet don’t do more collabs. Like how musicians do features in songs.
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