Daniel McGlynn pfp

Daniel McGlynn


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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
It's interesting how some social media platforms have been around long enough that they are now in decay. In a forest, old trees die and fall to make room for new growth. But in the case of social media platforms, it feels like the don't go away, they just sort of become useless or dull. Wondering what this looks like down the road?
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
My 7y/o daughter gave me a gift this morning. It's a homemade bow and arrow that she's been working on at camp for a the past week. It's got a proper arrowhead and turkey feathers that she gathered for fletching. The bow is bent nicely...the whole project clearly took a lot of time and focus. It was a reminder to me that as a parent we get to teach our kids all kinds of skills and lessons. And sometimes it is amazing to see how they use them and where their own curiosity and ambition takes them. Sometimes gifts are just gifts to mark an occasion or show gratitude. Other times gifts mean something else entirely. This was one of those.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
1/ In 2018, I resigned from a stable career position to jump into crypto full-time. One of the reasons I gave while resigning was that I wanted to help build an alternative to how the world was heading. I thought that building secure peer-to-peer systems that functioned at internet scale could help people organize and collaborate outside the normal power structures. The idea, at least at the time, was that building alternatives would inspire change through competition. For me, the goal wasn’t to subvert the system. It was to make it better by becoming more transparent and efficient. When I boil it down: I hope that I can do a good job while raising my kids. I want them to feel that they have opportunities and that the world is getting bigger and better — not moving backward.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
A new minor league baseball team in Oakland is creating a model where fans can become investors in the team. This slaps for a reasons, the main one being that all of the major sports franchises have left the city in the past few years, crushing a vibrant fanbase in the process. Fan-feelings aside, things get interesting when you start to think about ownership from a community development/investment perspective. Anyone know if this happening elsewhere? Also, seems like a great thing to bring onchain for transparency and to make it easier to enter and exit the market. https://www.oaklandballers.com/sports/bsb/2024/releases/community-investment-campaign-fan-owners
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
This week's newsletter is a look at crypto and the idea of network value. A few interesting things that came up while putting it together: 1. There are a lot of interesting "laws" or methods that were developed over the years to try to find a good network valuation model. 2. Not surprisingly, the valuation methods follow the evolution of technology (broadcast media, telecomm, internet...) 3. We are still using web2 network valuation models to explain web3. Maybe that makes sense, maybe it doesn't. I'm curious what comes next in terms of how networks are defined and/or valued as crypto becomes more widely adopted. If you are interested, you can check it out here: https://www.danielmcglynn.com/the-value-of-a-network/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Any recommendations for a simple but effective warmup/stretch for barbell squats? Trying to target hip soreness/tightness.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Somedays I feel really good about my writing habit. Like I hit goals or finish pieces. Other days I feel good about being a good digital citizen and completing things like returning messages, doing outreach, or posting to social. I've noticed recently that I seldom have days where I do a good job at both of those things. It's generally one or the other. I'm not sure if I should try and find a balance, or just embrace the ping pong nature of the flow.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
When I first started a career writing, the general vibe was "never write for free." The idea was that you should be able to get work from previous work. Any writing that wasn't paid writing was kind of like a hobby. The newer thinking is the "writing is ultimate leverage." The idea is that you should write and publish as much as possible (for free) and that good things will come downstream. Mainly, writing is a tool to build an audience and an audience is more valuable than any kind of one-off assignment. I'm not sure that I'm bought into either extreme. Somedays it feels like waiting around for the wind to blow.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I'm curious. Are you a fan of tipping on this platform? https://www.danielmcglynn.com/crypto-and-social-media/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Issue 25 is out for delivery. It just takes a few seconds to join the free community. I would love to see you on the inside. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/is-crypto-dead/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Let's say you are making a recommendation for summer reading and you want to add a book for people just getting into crypto. What are you going with? Is there a book that you found inspiring or informative when you first started out?
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I still think there will be a new media outfit that solely reports, highlights, or finds narratives in decentralized prediction markets. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/decentralized-prediction-markets/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Will writing for web3 be a move past mass media models or just create new distribution channels that still rely on high volume audience building? https://www.danielmcglynn.com/web2-writing-versus-web3-writing/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Working on something about how people are using degen to support creators on FC. What's the best source for how tips are moving through the system? I found a bunch of really great Dune dashboards, but still looking for something more closely related to the tipping economy. Does a data source like that exist?
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
What comes after Onchain Summer? I created a basic intro email course about the how and why people are moving onchain. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/what-comes-after-onchain-summer/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Minting a Moxie pass...
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
One fun element of this week's newsletter is that the topic (web3 wallets) gave me a great opportunity to feature a best practice framework from @ispeaknerd.eth. For me, discovering the work of other who are writing about this sort of stuff is one of the main reasons I keep coming back to Warpcast.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I just published this week's newsletter. We take a look at the role of web3 wallets and how they are quickly becoming daily drivers, or the email addresses of the future. If you have friends, relatives, neighbors, whoever, looking to get started onchain, maybe this could be a good jump-off point. At the end, I link to a free 5-day email series I created that covers the basics of how to move onchain. The newsletter comes out every Sunday. It's free. You can always unsubscribe whenever you want. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/what-is-a-web3-wallet/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Feels like there is an opportunity to create something like early Wired magazine but for the onchain movement. Early Wired was cool because it put the newness of internet culture into context for people. By extension, it made what people were building interesting and accessible. I've interviewed more than one founder of a tech company who remembers reading early Wired as a kid and deciding they wanted to they wanted to get into tech.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
The thing that resonates with me the most about the writing hackathon is the idea that "writers are builders too." For real, would be cool to keep that vibe going.
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