Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
Thanks so much for the warps and degen tips! Thanks to our friends and @edit's kind-hearted followers, we've reached our goal of 2500 warps and we plan to launch our new channel later today. We have almost 3500 warps now, so we'll pay it forward. @trishd and I will be distributing our degen allowance to the gifters.
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TrishD pfp
Hey @danicaswanson, after distributing my daily allowance, I have 22 $DEGEN left for you. Handing the baton over.
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iSpeakNerd Is In LA For FarCon pfp
iSpeakNerd Is In LA For FarCon
awesome, lets goooooooooo 🚀
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