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"Modern assertions lead us to believe that spiritual awakening comes in the form of enlightenment. Yet in the mystery traditions, it is known that spiritual awakening also comes in the form of endarkenment." ~ Anastacia J. Nutt of Inner Temple Traditions/Inner Convocation The video this quote comes from is promoting a course, which the Sanctuary isn't affiliated with. I just found it to be a succinct and lovely presentation on the concept of endarkenment that the Sanctuary finds solace in.
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Danica Swanson
What a beautiful voice. Thanks for sharing this. I love the way the concept of endarkenment has been "gaining ground" in the past decade or so, and it's now becoming a bit more mainstream. When I first searched on that neologism (somewhere around 2011, when I started the Sanctuary's first blog), I didn't find much info at all that was relevant to what I wanted to do, and most uses of the word were framing endarkenment as something negative or unpleasant.
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