Eben pfp



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Eben pfp
Remember this: Our votes might seem important, but the truth is that money controls politics. The illusion of two parties and impartial courts might be thick and murky, but it's still just an illusion. I firmly believe that no matter who wins, nothing changes. History shows that the wealth division has grown since the Federal Reserve Act was set up. The parties and the president have changed every four years. Yet 10% own 75% of all economic value, leaving just 25% for 90% of America's population. It was not always this way, but it was allowed to become this way. The late George Carlin saw it. In his later years, his acts highlighted society's corruption and the abuse of power by the ultra-wealthy. It's frustrating to see how most people are blinded to this reality. No matter who is elected or the party in power, the situation doesn't improve for the majority, which is the complete opposite of democracy. Let's revisit this in four years.
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Eben pfp
I knew shed run, but it doesn't alleviate the significant influence of lobbyists on Congress. Their financial control is undeniable they didn't spend $4.3 billion in 2023 on caviar and cheese. Clarence Thomas, getting a pass is also concerning, along with virtually all legislative and executive branches being part of the 1%. Two sides of the same coin are differing approaches leading to similar outcomes. I also question why Biden has not utilized executive orders to address the needs of the majority struggling to survive. Executive orders are powerful. The historical context of an executive order that forced Americans to exchange gold and gold certificates for the equivalent in paper reserve notes is worth noting. This act enabled a private bank to rob the people of an estimated $52.7 billion at today's gold value without adjusting for inflation. It's also important to remember the role of a single senator conspiring to introduce the Federal Reserve Act and all the subsequent financial implications.
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Eben pfp
I wish he would back down and let Kamala run. That would get most of the minorities and women to vote right there. Have a match shock with shock, awe with shock and awe. The first black female president would be a huge deal, plus she is YOUNG, not some fossil like Biden or Trump. If not, I'm voting independent.
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Eben pfp
It's the breakdown of capitalism. They want you to believe that capitalism will ballance its self without any rules or regulation. That's the biggest lie ever told.
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Eben pfp
This is crazy, some drug company lost a drug this way. I can't remember if it's a rumor or real but supposedly they couldn't manufacture it ever again even building a facility from scratch . Makes chemistry feel more like witchcraft.
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Eben pfp
Yeah, or get rid of capitalism. A classic SNL skit from the 80s was pulled. See if I can find it. It is pretty well-detailed. Why can't you trust any media to report anything we can trust? https://vimeo.com/93040968 The fact alone is that if the government wants to hide anything, it redacts and deems national security, even if it's violating the constitution, like in Snowden's case, ensuring no whistle-blower will ever come forward again.
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Eben pfp
All media is simply propaganda designed to manipulate the masses. Schools are factories for indoctrination. We are indentured servants with the illusion of freedom. I hope that is what he means!
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Eben pfp
FACTS Congress controls the lobbyists who work for...yup, not us. That's why the average income for 90% of us has fallen from 45k in 2003 to 35k in 2023. Our government actively spies on us, has committed treason against us, forced us to hand over all gold in 1933 to prop up the Federal Reserve, a private bank, and used our tax dollars to bail out private companies πŸ™„ but giving us anything is socialism? We, the people, lost control of our country a long time ago. We think we are free because we can't see the bars. It doesn't matter who we vote for; there is only one party whose goal is the same regardless of the frontman "we" elect. The NWO conspiracy is ironic because people act like it's the plan for a future date; we are already living in it...
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Eben pfp
It was his new VP's last election. He called Trump "America's Hitler". Now he is a convert and VP nominee? Once again, politicians compromise what they claim to stand for for wealth and power. The guy probably shot at Trump because someone needed to. If he is elected, it will be the last election. He likely war-gamed all this with Putin, a pro at staying in office past his constitutional term.
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Eben pfp
What's even better is his stupid MAGA and MAGA 2.0; the RNC speech introducing his VP was 100% lies. "We support working Americans, the average people, blah blah blah. Make America Great Again!" Sure, that's why most Americans and most of his supporters have slowly been squeezed by falling wages, (45k a year in '03 to 35k today) on one side; inflation and the MAGA 1.0 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act that penalizes anyone making over 35k by taxing them in the same bracket as those making up to 200k - at the same time, it gives trillions in tax cuts to corporations and the rich, which was supposed to increase pay and create new jobs. Instead, it increased profits, brought the market to new ATH and grew the 1%s income 75% over the same period the rest of us lost 33%! He does not give a rat's ass about the majority, just like Congress doesn't. If you have not realized our country has become a plutocracy, ask yourself why 90% of us are poorer than ever. There is one party; the 1% for the 1% by the 1%.
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Eben pfp
Because it was a hologram and Trump slapped a packet of catchup on his face.
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Eben pfp
I wonder if that is because the Trump T1 bill, TCJA, is set to expire in a year unless he upholds it as planned. That would mean the corporate tax rate returns to 35% instead of 21%, reduced taxes on repatriation of USD will end, and estate tax exemptions on up to 8.9 million returns to 4.4 million. Plus, other breaks for the rich expire. It would confirm who buys Bitcoin and its banks, corporations, and the .001%. At the same time, the rest of us get shafted under Trump's tax plan. If you make 36k, you pay the same 35% tax as someone making 200k?
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Eben pfp
Use AI to develop a Dapp.
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Eben pfp
What if MK Ultra was a success and all the mass shootings in the US and this "attempt" that the Secret Service didn't seem overly eager to stop; are the results? Not likely, but what if? Also, that's far too intelligent for Trump to say. I doubt he knows what iconic is he is more of a "really great super picture" type of guy πŸ˜€
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Eben pfp
Behind closed doors for decades, the elite have said, "We want them to own nothing and be happy about it." It is impossible to build wealth if you do not own anything. In particular, real estate, a home, apartment, or domicile. Paying rent is the original subscription, and it's economic suicide.
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Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
MicroStrategy strategy is not understood by most people, and even some that understand it think it’s too risky. The strategy is undervalued
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Eben pfp
This entire app reminds me of the limited run NetFlix show "Midnight Gospel". Its about a SpaceCaster (pod caster in real life) and each episode is a cartoon adaptation of a real episode of his podcast.
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Eben pfp
That will be me because I still believe ADA has potential; it just needs MayaChain to finish its bridge to ADA. When native swaps from 30+ blockchains and thousands of native tokens; to and from ADA, no wrapped assets, permission less, TVL chains BCH, BTC, ETH, ARB, AVAX, DOGE and more.
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Eben pfp
I always thought a crypto based lottery woukd be a great way to draw regular non native users to the space...so glad some one with the skills is doing it...I have lots of ideas but no actual ability to manifest them...like Elon Musk. Lol
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Eben pfp
I'm not convinced this isn't reddit with character limits and on a blockchain...
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