Chad pfp



139 Following

Chad pfp
Fun Frame by @tom-major
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Chad pfp
Inspired by @acidfree, here are my 7+ year old Medium drafts: The future of UI is disappearing Hey Siri, write my spec The future of grammar Our kids careers Workflow-powered Siri as the PM bot for your phone/world Functional product dad-ing Pair programming with Watson The American experiment during the singularity
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Chad pfp
And lost the badge again
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Chad pfp
Get moar ENGAGEMENT by posting in channels. But you gotta pay to post in channels.
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Chad pfp
Generative AI might be getting stale, but I am so excited about using game UX to make it more fun to explore and create. Just shipped a game-like experience to generate (NSFW) characters and scenes at
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Chad pfp
How do you early-stage folks go about getting AWS credits? The free tiers are too limited to run inference models, and I can’t keep racking up gpu bills on prototypes.
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Chad pfp
What did you get done this weekend?
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Chad pfp
Launch an infinitely immersive sexytime game
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Chad pfp
Where/how do these tips actually go/work? I don’t see these anywhere, maybe I have to manually import the token?
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Chad pfp
Ah yes, a name change will absolutely fix everything
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Chad pfp
Would you put your pornhub or onlyfans taste profile onchain? 🤔 could make some pretty fascinating interoperable apps with that
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Chad pfp
I never know what channel to post in, so I either don’t post, or go without a channel—both options suck for ”being active”
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Chad pfp
Do resumes need to be 1 page these days? A CMO friend just showed me their 8-page resume, which feels bananas to me but maybe not at these higher levels? If I’m going for head/VP/director of product roles should I go bigger? Really struggling to get callbacks
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Chad pfp
Just found my farcaster OG, and BONK is absolutely ripping. Maybe I won’t have to move back in with my parents after all
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Chad pfp
Has anyone made a copilot for scratch? Might have to build this
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Chad pfp
So will Solana NFTs appear in our profiles now?
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Chad pfp
I forget who offered to send me a copy, but thanks for following through!
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Chad pfp
Noticing jobs I applied for months ago are still open. How am I that awful of a candidate? Or they don’t actually need to hire people?
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Chad pfp
Simultaneously as close and as far away as I’ve ever been to achieving my life’s purpose
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Chad pfp
Getting closer to shipping an uncensored image-gen API to power a chat app, will likely product use the API too so no one else has to grow through this!
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