Luiz Ramalho
How to get 100m users on chain? - do a fintech in a country where instant payments are already a reality (India, Brazil) — i.e. proven. To differentiate do something useful, but better. Can be a 2-3x improvement. - airdrop tokens to (1) grow user base and (2) get everyone a wallet but make it seamlessly integrated to the legacy instant payments system. This is the “new” part. - once you get critical mass, you can expand to other countries only with the crypto product as a lite version of your fintech. Alternatively, you can do a viral social network that has a wallet embedded into it like @dwr.eth Or you can use a huge user base like Coinbase’s and move a meaningful portion of it like @jessepollak is doing with Base
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Crypto Taboo Intern
Airdrops that onboard, not just farm. That’s how you get 100M users to actually stay.
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