Jack Miller pfp

Jack Miller


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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Crypto doesn't give you legal rights, it gives you magic powers on the internet
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Why is that?
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
"Cite Griffin and Shams one more time mother fucker"
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
2/2 It's important to do inspired work. I have made a large number of technical breakthroughs in my own IP solving a problem in my own life that few would care about. So you can be a night owl and solo tinkerer but I think you can also find this in a company whose mission really resonates with you which has the added benefit of being able to share in those gains with other people.
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
When I was younger I thought everybody slogs through their day job and works on what *really* interests them on nights and weekends. That's what every ambitious person I knew did and I did too. As I am older, and fortunate enough to work on what I am passionate about, I think it would have been possible to take more time and maybe less money or other concessions to find a job that inspired my best work. Tradeoffs to each approach. I'd have spent fewer raw hours leveling up technical skills but a larger percentage of the time would have been on more inspired work. There were times when a passion project absolutely nerd-sniped me and I'd go through the workday not even really listening, just daydreaming on some problem I was stuck on. One time I stayed up all night working on a project and I fainted at the office the next day. 1/2
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
My friends are mad I muted the groupchat but I have notifications on for Milady twitter
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Has the idea of “any new experiments will just be adopted by [bigger chain]” played out anywhere? Seems like you need to be on the bleeding edge or mindshare goes elsewhere
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Hah exactly! Noticed a theme, especially Friday lineup
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Coffee is the lifeblood of capitalism
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Having no rights is the default. Need a structure that grants and assures rights or else the one with most leverage has total control
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
I do empathize that it’s probably a nightmare for them and I understand why these groups become technophobic But obviously sick of this shit We just need to cut them out
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Honestly you could see a protectionist president picking Ripple (US company) over Bitcoin Don’t think it’s likely but possible
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Best case scenario. No sense in prolonging the inevitable
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Had no idea there were so many honoraries All ERC20 tokens should have been wei by default but that’s a different matter entirely
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Every time I’ve done this they’ve lost the keys immediately lol So I’d back it up for them and tell them to move it to another wallet when they’re ready
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
That’s a weird response. All my doctors overexplain and detour to giving an anatomy lesson
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
I’m still learning but my demeanor is part of the message. Sometimes I have to act calmer than I am and if the kid is testing boundaries and crossing a line I might have to be mad or intense even if I’m exhausted
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
If you know you know
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Go do it! The rust shakes off quickly
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Ball is life Rusty at first but it comes back quick
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