Jack Miller pfp

Jack Miller


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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Getting back at it after neglecting fitness for work and parenting for 6 months A phoenix huffing and puffing from the ashes
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
I try really hard to be approachable but then people approach me when I need to do stuff and it’s kinda killing me
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Kid wouldn’t sleep and was convinced there was a monster behind his curtains I assured him there was nothing there and went to show him There was our dog, who I’d apparently locked in his room by mistake Scared the shit out of us both 😂
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
When buying our house our realtor noted the office etc could be locked from the outside, perfect for little kids My son figured out how to unlock them on the second try Locks thwarted him literally one single time only
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Hide and seek somehow devolved into us *both* hiding and I’m savoring every second of this fleeting peace
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
I have a graveyard of domain names from failed or half started projects over the years A lot of them I bought 10 years ago are expiring Thank you for your service handshakecity.com 🫡
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
I have a graveyard of domain names from failed or half started projects over the years A lot of them I bought 10 years ago are expiring Thank you for your service handshakecity.com 🫡
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
I have a graveyard of domain names from failed or half started projects over the years A lot of them I bought 10 years ago are expiring Thank you for your service handshakecity.com 🫡
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
I’ve been sick more times in the past 2 months than the previous 10 years I feel like I’m on the losing end of biological warfare I was woefully unprepared for
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
The bestowing of the honorary title “aunt” or “uncle” to non-relatives is one of life’s simple joys
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Mom gets a ticket for 4 year old peeing in the park in “an emergency” Relatable Set up for failure with lack of available bathrooms but also smh at these hall monitor types pouncing to give out such tickets https://x.com/danarubinstein/status/1778882890605961622?s=46&t=tPXTuSwNhsgYmY314FbEHQ
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
What are some things you do to make your office a place people actually want to be? Not because they should, or it’s better for the team, etc. but because they want to
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
At what age did your kid learn to read? How did you go about teaching them?
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Is this real? https://x.com/pmarca/status/1774859497246212380?s=46&t=tPXTuSwNhsgYmY314FbEHQ
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
My son started saying “I don’t like daddy, I like mommy” so I took the opportunity to teach him “me gusta” and “no me gusta” and now he can diss me in English and Spanish Lemons -> limonada
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Since having young kids now yogurt and pb&j are a staple of my diet These are healthy and delicious idk when or why I stopped eating these
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Sometimes only moments of peace I get during daylight hours is while counting to 10 during hide and seek
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
What do you do make your office a place where employees want to be?
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
My kid is at a pretty cute age and every time we’re at the grocery store people come up to our cart and start talking to him We both hate it 😂
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Got cocky and neglected my stretching and lower back work for a couple months and I hurt my back Had been years since I hurt it like this, kinda thought I solved it Job is never done
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