Endi 🖼️
Who is in the Web3 space and he/she is pro-actively taking care of their health?
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I'm trying, I'm not there yet. Work allows me to go to the gym + sauna about 4-5 times/week. Cold showers almost every day. Recently, I also take vitamin D3, it seems to be very important. And ofc fasting like 20-24h once every 2-3 weeks.
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Endi 🖼️
That is more than great, Cornel. Wow, is amazing that work allows you to go to the sauna about 4-5 times/week. Cold plunges yet? Also, did you read Outlive, from Dr. Peter Attia?
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I follow Dr. Rhonda Patrick's podcasts, and recently, she had Dr. Peter as a guest, and I was convinced. I'll get the book. With plunges is how I started. Once I got used to it, I would stay in water for 5 min. I prefer cold plunges instead of cold showers they are lighter and more effective but I live in a flat now
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Endi 🖼️
You keep impressing me! 🫂
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