Coleman McCormick pfp

Coleman McCormick


84 Following

Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
Built a contraption for running the foam machine overhead, works like a charm
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
Scenes, pattern languages, and nested systems "In both these cases — fiction and architecture — a systems of patterns develops over time based on empirical evidence of what works."
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
“Better to get your dopamine from improving your ideas than from having them validated.” –Nat Friedman
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
10 cabinet doors ready for paint, 6 drawer boxes ready for assembly
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
Going back through my notes on How Buildings Learn This book is about so much more than architecture — it's about how things are built/maintained/sustained, aesthetics and function, scale variance, economics, innovation All wrapped in a "how architecture works" cover
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
Ants are adapted to explore the unknown — nature's way to minimize risk and maximize reward. In the same way, we humans also have this attraction to novelty. We're genetically tuned to explore, experiment, try, and fail, even when we're comfortable
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
just finished a rewatch of The Wire S1 over 2 days so incredibly rewatchable — every single scene a methodical ratchet click
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
the way we teach economics is too restricted to the financial domain, when it really should be about the idea of "scarce resources with alternative uses" the general principle of trade-offs, and that sometimes one good thing comes at the expense of another
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
Sketchup and hand drawings - just needed to make sure it wasn't too steep or narrow for the space
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
Monthly Links: March 2024 • The instinct to make lists + taxonomies • Virtue of action • Creating healthy soil • and more
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
good design is hard to notice poor design is evident
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
to replicate, memes require memory and behavior they must be repeatedly remembered and enacted to survive
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
Conjecture and refutation — the criticism of ideas — is how we learn. It's where knowledge comes from. My latest essay draws a weird analogy between standup comedy and feedback loops as a means for improvement.
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
Evolution Has No Goal Because we're pattern-seeking animals, we tend to think evolution is a purposeful hunt for complexity — but it's an undirected process of guesswork, failure, & accidental success Distilling thoughts provoked by David Deutsch's Beginning of Infinity
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
💯 I order my field notes in graph hybrid
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
watch out if your company starts doing the inverse!
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
Replacing attic fold-down ladder with a slick custom staircase
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
saw that one with my son at the Lego store the other day, the Lego Baron almost had it in my cart
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Coleman McCormick pfp
Coleman McCormick
Been reading and enjoying Hannah Arendt for a couple weeks. So many threads to keep following in here.
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