Has web3 lost its usefulness as term for you personally? When you’re explaining what you work on to others, do you invoke web3? I know some have ditched it (or never embraced it) but am curious to get more takes here.
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Keith Axline
I do it out of reflex but I don’t like it. Thinking of saying I work in decentralized communities. Wish there was something snappier.
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What do you think of the term onchain?
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
Onchain is good but it doesn't capture all the principles we care about. Things can be onchain but be centralized or not have a notion of user ownership baked in. Web3 to communicates user ownership of the internet.
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this to me though, is the problem with web3 as a term. It can be so many things at once that it’s unclear what people are saying when they say web3. Wrote about this here recently:
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