accountless.eth pfp
this whole thread is BASED! on what? on absurdity in webThree. how developers optimizing for masturbation instead of the user needs. another example: interface. u launch copy trades w/ nothing built in to protect the consumer like token sniffer. ok, never thought abou tthat before? like how come you didn't before you launched? webThree is based on stupid
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accountless.eth pfp
i saw in your bio you host dataviz channel do you like R and shiny dashboards? also, do you know claus and that he is a farcaster?
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Konohime pfp
To answer your question, I'm using PowerBI and Dune for shiny dashboard ☺️ And want to learn R, they discourage me from learning it at school, they said it was "obsolete" but.. well, looks really cool for dataviz..
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accountless.eth pfp
the shiny dashboards are easy to create apparently and that is what makes it so cool. i dunno a/b utility of R as a whole tho.
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Claus Wilke pfp
Claus Wilke
This is a never-ending discussion when I teach R in my dataviz classes and all the students ask why not Python. In my experience (as a user of both), if you have tabular data and want to do either interactive exploration of the data, statistical modeling, or publication-quality visualization, R beats Python by a lot. There's a reason the Python people copy all the R/tidyverse concepts, with libraries such as pandas, plotnine, etc. (And yet they're generally much more clunky than the original.) At a minimum, I feel people should know both and then make an informed choice.
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Claus Wilke pfp
Claus Wilke
And let's not even get to handling of missing values, which is a mess in Python because it doesn't have a native missing value datatype.
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Konohime pfp
Oooh.. ok, def need to look at it. Finishing work and will play with R asap 😃
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