🏹AGWU 🏹 Agwu Nsi also known as "Agwo Nsi" is the Arusi of divination. The earth is inhabited by Agwu, a spiritual entity that goes beyond a mere force. Agwu possesses intellectual and volitive faculties, exerting significant influence on human affairs. Revered as the patron spirit of the dibia (diviner-cum-he…
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"Agwuisi" and "Agwunsi". The suffixes "isi" and "nsi", denoting "head/first" and "poison" respectively, serve as onomatopoeic expressions representing specific orders of relationships, characteristics, and effects associated with the spirit. Agwu is perceived as embodying tendencies that exhibit drastic moral opposi…
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Agwu Nsi Functioning as a provider of solutions for humans, Agwu is involved in herbal medicine and divination, offering means to address various problems. He bestows wealth, good fortune, and fertility upon individuals. Agwu is also attributed with causing sickness, infertility, misfortunes, and misbehavior among h…
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Additionally, Agwu serves as an inspirational force for those devoted to him. The typologies of Agwu found across communities are rooted in ecological conditions, social organizations, ideals, and occupational engagements. These typologies include: 1. Agwu Ulo (- of the home) 2. Agwu Ohia (- of the wilds) 3. Agwu…
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These typologies have given rise to a rich deposit of symbols. In traditional religious cultures, it is common to plant special ritual recognition associated with a particular spirit or god. For example, Ogirisi is an Igbo ritual plant closely linked to Agwu, and the term "umunne" (members of the maternal home) is s…
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Symbolic representations of domestic animals, such as carved images of the dog and he-goat, are prevalent. The dibia, associated with Agwu, stores medicinal substances in a horn and uses it to summon the spirit. The community's practices and symbols reflect a complex interplay of cultural, religious, and social elem…
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A version of this story persists in the Nri states: Agwu was born resembling a human, Yet, he was marked by deformities. He appeared monstrous and was deemed an abomination. His abnormal hands and feet were restrained, And he was taken away into the evil forest. However, Agwu returned to the house even before …
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