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there's a new paper on studying brain cells that change in aging mice it says cells around the third ventricle like tanycytes that form the blood brain barrier are most affected by aging but in the methods section my old labmates and i noticed they harvested cells from another source, under a reverse light/dark cycle 🤔 1/?
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Cameron Armstrong
What is your alternative hypothesis (me too dumb to understand)
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they scooped bits of the brain that they claim ages faster entire different set of mice altogether that lived in the dark during the daytime and under lights during nighttime's unclear whether that is true or not i also realize our disagreements are based on this xkcd comic physics experiments are just much cleaner than biological ones b/c they don't involve scooping brain goop
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Cameron Armstrong
There’s a good physics joke about assuming spherical cows somewhere out there Basically I’m v comfortable with there being nuance + shades of grey but aggressively opposed to the notion that the shades should stop you from asserting things bc we live in an imperfect world and we need to maneuver within it w useful assumptions
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