Chase Sommer
Thoughts on 'headless' brands like /higher I don't think you can have headless brands. You need someone casting vision and making decisions. I do think that once you hit a critical mass, you can open up the movement to allow others to use your stuff permissionlessly. But you have to create frameworks. Clearest example to me is Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). It is the most open game you can have. You are supposed to create your new adventure using the IP. However, there are still a ton of rules and frameworks to help with this. Sorry if I'm offending people. Been thinking about this for a while.
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higher isn't a headless brand higher is a meme some talented people have created a brand to support the meme and other talented people have built a bunch of cool stuff around that brand but there are also higher projects that aren't "brand" related and anyone can come and create a totally different brand for higher. in fact someone should. that would be cool to see.
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Chase Sommer
Hmm I've just heard it referred to as a headless brand a few time by some of the main people behind the project. It's where I learned the term from :P
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as have i, and i've shared my thoughts on it with them too that's why i keep harping on "higher is meme" so newcomers aren't thrown off by the confusing headless brand aspect from the very beginning if someone new comes across higher and wants to explore the brand aspect of it, it's there for them, but it shouldn't be the top line intro to the project it's a meme first
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Chase Sommer
yeah but now that's just confusing everyone. Someone needs to decide what it is and is not. But to do that, you need someone to decide, which comes back to my initial point that it's not headless I guess
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haha for sure. fwiw this is how i think of it. it's a meme there's are elements of a brand that anyone can use (i think this means it's headless) some higher projects have used the brand elements to make things some higher projects don't use the brand elements all of them point back to the higher meme
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possible that this is just semantics, that it can be *both* not either/or to me both “meme” and “headless brand” translates as chameleonic, it can be whatever anyone wants it to be — confusing to some, inspiring to others.
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