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Pat Yiu
Slippage on tokens makes me not want to buy them most of the time. Personal note: Went to swap $1000 to $NOUNS and hit a 14% slippage Swapping to $100 brought it to 3% Swapping to $80 brought it to 2% I spent $80 instead of $1000 on the token because of the slippage. I think we should look at adding a bit of liquidity too before we see the next rush of $nouns users cc @noun40 @sams
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Noun 40
yess could anyone help with making this “provide liquidity to $nouns” a one click easy set it and forget it thing? maybe i just don’t know what the right tool to use it. i have both eth and $nouns and would gladly do it and even be okay with eating some degree of impermanent loss but i don’t want to be tweaking prices day to day or be losing too much money that it goes to zero
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Chris Carella
Sustainably this would only work if there were incentives provided for LPing $nouns, although the Treasury could do it at scale and not require incentives. I’m of the opinion that we should turn all (or at least most) of our Treasury Nouns into $Nouns.
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Pat Yiu
I am more and more in favor of people growing on /nouns and earning their first noun. I am personally at around 530k tokens now and slowly getting to my first $nouns noun keeps me motivated
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