Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
Been a while since I took the time to write a threadoor essay, but I feel like there's been an alarming trend that warrants discussion: the rise of "MPC" protocols which are actually glorified networks of trusted operators.
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
What is a trusted operator? In the context of protocols, a network's design can require the participants are trusted – that is, vetted and approved, or trustless – the protocol is inherently secure against participants behaving maliciously.
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
This applies to everything from a blockchain (Bitcoin, for example, is trustless, whereas the current iteration of Optimism is trusted/single sequencer) to file sharing (BitTorrent is trustless, an SFTP server is trusted).
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
In MPC, a common trusted operator would be a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), e.g. Intel SGX, Amazon Nitro. These environments create a chain of custody asserting the code executed in the TEE is only what was intended and the only extractible information is the output intended to be delivered from the TEE.
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
Much of the research in the MPC space has been on maliciously secure protocols. This along with how academic the space is, has made it hard for non-academics to see there is a spectrum where protocols may require some or all operators to be trusted, or may be completely trustless by design.
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
This has, intentionally or not, lead to the goodwill of the security of trustless MPC to be co-opted by MPC protocols with trusted operators. The flexibility of the term has resulted in a rise of companies which opt for the far easier work of using trusted operators. This has extremely dangerous consequences.
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
TEEs do not have mathematical proofs of security, and are frequently fallible – SGX, for example, has been broken many times over, and these revelations are simply public scrutiny. Consider that TEEs may also be compromised by design, for specific actors:
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
Does this mean TEEs are inherently bad? No! TEEs have great practicality for personal use – in fact, you likely use one on your own phone or laptop to unlock it. That is a significant improvement over passwords (which are frequently bad and reused) or storing keys in plaintext on disk.
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
MPC is frequently used to improve security under high stakes, low trust situations – a common case being crypto asset custody. Instead of having to hack or steal one target, you have to attack several, of varying configurations, to extract a private key.
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
But in the context of decentralized MPC protocols, TEEs are outright dangerous. Instead of rigorous mathematical proofs that key shares are being used to sign a transaction exactly as requested by the logical key's owner, these trusted implementations simply combine and sign in enclaves.
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