Cassie Heart
Hearing this Ledger news makes me chuckle a little, because I have maintained a distrust of vendors hawking “HSMs fix security” consistently.
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So is a multisig contract like safe the best way to go?
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Cassie Heart
Multisig, MPC, or truly airgapped cold storage, or a combination of some/all
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That response time thou 🔥🔥🔥 Do you think this will hurt mainstream adoption or do you think wallets like rainbow will be enough (ease of use and safety) to onboard the first say billon users?
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Cassie Heart
I think wallets need to go away completely for billion user scale.
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What would replace a wallet? Contract? Something else?
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Cassie Heart
This would depend on the network – Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc. all have a external relationship with indexers to convey meaningful information to key holders – pivoting away to an abstraction where an intermediate authority can convey signatures to authenticate actions just makes things more fragile/complicated.
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Cassie Heart
Future networks will likely have (NB: I'm a little biased here, since what I'm building does this) indexing built in, and the authentication mechanism will be more closely aligned to the way the rest of the web is going, i.e. Passkeys/WebAuthN. The additional benefit of domain-enforced separation gives better security.
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