Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
It’s been a hell of a week since first trying to get Phase 2 going. I’m not letting whatever forces are at play stop me: We are targeting the launch for 11pm PDT, May 26th, the anniversary of the first session of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, one of the darkest times for freedom of speech in the US
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Jacob pfp
I took a Free Speech class in law school with Amy Adler, really bright professor, and it's quite unbelievable the history of the First Amendment in the US Those bad policies did however unearth the principle of content neutrality which is a really powerful abstraction we're lucky to have in the US legal system
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Aaron Ho 🎩 φ pfp
Aaron Ho 🎩 φ
Cassie, how are you doing? Hope you get to go out and touch grass and earth today.
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