Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
The FarCon Mint went… not like we thought it would πŸ˜‚ @grin and I are circling up this morning and want to hear from you about how we make @farcon something this community would love to attend. We know people want to get together, so what missed the mark?
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Max Jackson ✨🎩 pfp
Max Jackson ✨🎩
A sliding payment scale with ticket tiers would make it more approachable ppl pinching their pennies. For example: - 0.04: 🎟️ gen admission - 0.08: 🌭 jumbo ticket w/ lg fries - 0.16: πŸ‘• I supported farcon tshirt
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Definitely makes sense - we’re for sure exploring alt sale mechanisms/techniques right now. Thanks for this suggestion!
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