Our great king and God of the entire universe, we have come to you this morning with a heart full of gratitude for taking us through the weekend and bring us to yet another beautiful week, father we commit this week into your great hands and we pray and ask that you make this week a week filled with blessings and fruitful. We commit our lives into your hands and ask for your protection and guidance, bless us individually and as a family, bless our boss whom have been a great pillar to us, keep him alive, let there always be and increase in his finances and otherwise. Grant us all our individual heart desires, forgive us all our sins so that we in turn can forgive others, let the love in this group and family continue to grow, all these we pray and ask with full assurance that you will hear our prayers including those we didn’t ask for through Christ our lord. Amen Prayer @ivypearl
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Henry Adewole 👾
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