Brunny.eth pfp



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Brunny.eth pfp
big welcome to @jonwu Jon is a 10x storyteller and marketer. You've probably seen some of his Twitter content and/or long form writing. Its very very good. Excited for him to be more active on Farcaster!
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Brunny.eth pfp
Put together a $50 bounty for the best list of conferences and events remaining in 2024 I'll pick a winner by EOD today
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Brunny.eth pfp
@bountybot $50 USDC for the cast that shares the best list of remaining crypto-related events and conferences happening in 2024
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Brunny.eth pfp
who's got the best docs in the Ethereum ecosystem?
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Brunny.eth pfp
I wrote a blog post to explain my decision-making framework for working at an early-stage startup (vs. a big enterprise, or VC), and I included some words of advice for others considering startup life
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Brunny.eth pfp
The Full Swing episode with Wyndham Clark and Joel Dahmen is 10/10 good
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Brunny.eth pfp
Imagine having just 1 single round of golf where you can hit the golf ball like Scheffler or Mcilroy. Must feel good.
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Brunny.eth pfp
Just earned BLOOD creating this video on @drakula:
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Brunny.eth pfp
Just earned BLOOD creating this video on @drakula:
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Brunny.eth pfp
Just earned BLOOD creating this video on @drakula:
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Brunny.eth pfp
Just earned BLOOD creating this video on @drakula:
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Brunny.eth pfp
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Brunny.eth pfp
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Brunny.eth pfp
Personal update: As of today, I have transitioned out of my role at Aztec. I deeply admire and respect @zac-aztec, @jaosef, and the entire Aztec team. I'll share more about my next steps soon (still in ZK!), but today, I am just grateful for my time at Aztec🙏
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Brunny.eth pfp
Some learnings from the Noir><Farcaster bounties: -building apps with ZK is still too hard -many many people are *interested* in building with ZK but feel like they won't be able to 'get it' on short time frames -private polling and anonymous credentialed posting might be the best use cases of ZK >< Farcaster
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Brunny.eth pfp
Time to announce the winners: @complexlity for getting Noir Sudoku working in a frame @kugusha.eth + @fastfourier.eth for 33bits and Noir Frames infra work @gabrielaxy for PrivCast, private polling app @datadanne.eth for $DEGEN confessions 1 bounty pending completion of a PoC! Projects linked in following casts
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Brunny.eth pfp
Tried explaining crypto to a few friends last night in as little words as possible: BTC -- censorship-resistant, credibly-neutral digital asset ETH -- censorship-resistant, credibly-neutral compute stables -- censorship-resistant, credibly-neutral dollars
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Brunny.eth pfp
recommendations for music to listen to in focused work time? I've been doing Fred Again and Madeon sets but open to other genres too
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Brunny.eth pfp
Alright, final call!! you have until the end of the day today, Feb 29th, 11:59 Mountain Time (in honor of ETHDenver) to submit an application, simply by responding to the below cast. top 5 projects will be selected next week!!
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Brunny.eth pfp
Two more days to submit projects here -- just reply to the original cast with your project to apply :)
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