Brunni pfp



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Brunni pfp
Seems interesting! What are the advantages versus other onchain tools, you find?
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Brunni pfp
A heartfelt welcome to @popegrutch 💥 Followed and can’t wait to read more about old movies and overall weird stuff (:
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Brunni pfp
I will be thinking about this quote for a long time. Thank you for sharing, Danica!
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Brunni pfp
Amazing offering! How much harder it is to stick to a writing habit being neurodivergent is not talk we about enough imo
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Brunni pfp
And open-minded!
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Brunni pfp
My first mint ever on /zora ☺️ The beginning couldn’t be more fitting: a mix of photography, writing and stream of consciousness.🪞 it's a public commitment to practice releasing more art and detaching from perfectionism. I appreciate any love and/pr feedback on this <3
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Brunni pfp
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Brunni pfp
I believe we need new myths to replace and enrich, instead of killing the starving artist. If we see ourselves as artists, that could be anything we dream in the way of living off of our art, going into self-mythology territory. But also new narratives for the structural dynamics that keep the artist impoverished, like placing the blame on individuals for systemic problems as you mentioned. I feel there's an overall lack of imagination of what a new paradigm might even be, and a lot of that comes from being kept in the rat race, trying to make ends meet. Slowing down is absolutely necessary for tapping into what's needed to create a world where artists can thrive.
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Brunni pfp
I wonder if the industry will need to implode entirely before reinventing itself? Or if that's even possible at this point? I share your heartbreak! Looking back, I can see a lot of my taste in music and even interest in interviewing people come from that formative years watching MTV 😿
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Brunni pfp
Wow I really needed to read that. Thank you for sharing!
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Brunni pfp
Highly recommend visiting Inhotim, one of the biggest open air museums of contemporary art in the world - 2 or 3 days there to see everything. Extend the trip to Chapada dos Veadeiros for absolutely breathtaking, unparalleled nature that only Brazil can provide.
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Brunni pfp
I guess it depends on how serious and/or perfectionist people are when casting! I definitely align more with what you shared, but follow (and enjoy!) lots of people who cast more stream of consciousness-like.
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Brunni pfp
Another big hit for music journalism! 2024’s been a hard year for the field. Not only has the work of many talented people simply vanished from one day to the next, but also the cultural documentation and impact MTV’s had on entire generations ceased to exist. Hard to imagine a reason that could justify a decision like this.
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Brunni pfp
This article on the impacts of living in highly transient times. Also started David Lynch’s memoir!
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Brunni pfp
Fascinating! Would love to know more about the experience and what the team enjoys the most about having the Librarian on their day to day. I’m curious: what made USV create social profiles for the Librarian?
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Brunni pfp
BitTorrent mess was wholesome in that way. There should be easier ways to support indie writers. @paragraph and other platforms allow to purchase writing direct from the authors but it’s mostly newsletters and short-form writing for now. What a similar solution for books?
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Brunni pfp
New month, new book! About to start David Lynch’s Room to Dream. “No ground rules were laid down and nothing was declared off-limits when we embarked on this book. The books seems short and barely scratches the surface of the story at hand. Human consciousness is too vast to fit between the covers of a book”.
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Brunni pfp
Been sitting on this for a while! After the latest Nerd Notes from @danicaswanson, it's time I share my thoughts on the starving artist __ There’s a lot of glorification around the struggling artist archetype but what most people don’t see is how hard it is to be creative when you’re stressed about rent. This narrative keep us starved and divided, while ironically tucked away on a pedestal. Committing to art is cool and aspirational, as long as it's a struggle. The moment you make it, you sell out - whatever that means. I can feel the itch to type KILL THE STARVING ARTIST, proverbial Molotov in imaginary hand, WHO’S WITH ME?!, but I pause. It’s too easy to blame the artist - the poor bastard is so overworked and underpaid they can’t even fight back. We need a shift in perspective, a radical way to go about things. New myths to tell the tale of the artist. But before we venture into world building, let us feed the starving artist. Then, and only then, can we begin to build a different reality.
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Brunni pfp
I knoooo 😭
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Brunni pfp
I feel you, and welcome! It’s great to enjoy the period of acclimating to FC, the time to pour out your writing will come ✍️
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