Brunni pfp



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Brunni pfp
And open-minded!
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Brunni pfp
My first mint ever on /zora ☺️ The beginning couldn’t be more fitting: a mix of photography, writing and stream of consciousness.🪞 it's a public commitment to practice releasing more art and detaching from perfectionism. I appreciate any love and/pr feedback on this <3
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Brunni pfp
New month, new book! About to start David Lynch’s Room to Dream. “No ground rules were laid down and nothing was declared off-limits when we embarked on this book. The books seems short and barely scratches the surface of the story at hand. Human consciousness is too vast to fit between the covers of a book”.
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Brunni pfp
Been sitting on this for a while! After the latest Nerd Notes from @danicaswanson, it's time I share my thoughts on the starving artist __ There’s a lot of glorification around the struggling artist archetype but what most people don’t see is how hard it is to be creative when you’re stressed about rent. This narrative keep us starved and divided, while ironically tucked away on a pedestal. Committing to art is cool and aspirational, as long as it's a struggle. The moment you make it, you sell out - whatever that means. I can feel the itch to type KILL THE STARVING ARTIST, proverbial Molotov in imaginary hand, WHO’S WITH ME?!, but I pause. It’s too easy to blame the artist - the poor bastard is so overworked and underpaid they can’t even fight back. We need a shift in perspective, a radical way to go about things. New myths to tell the tale of the artist. But before we venture into world building, let us feed the starving artist. Then, and only then, can we begin to build a different reality.
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Brunni pfp
Instructions for reading it out loud - so simple yet it completely transformed my reading experience! It made me realise I haven’t read a story out loud in a really long time. Why do we stop doing it? When did reading out loud became a kids-only activity?
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Brunni pfp
@yancey ‘a latest newsletter, on artist retreats, found its way to my inbox as I myself am on a short retreat. He invites us to reimagine the retreating and being visible cycle of creation, to be more aligned with the artist’s inner rhythm. “If we listen to the ancient wisdom, we can hear the call to reimagine what an artist’s retreat is. Not some elite program in a secluded forest that people like us never get into. Artist retreats as part of everyone’s personal practice. A dedicated time and metaphysical space to retreat, step back, and explore that’s accessible to all.”
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Brunni pfp
I interview meeting @soundoffractures a few days ago and our conversation was veeeery slowcore coded! Jamie’s goal with him is project is to “reconnect with the emotional value of music”, and we chat how difficult to capture that is on social media and the lack of appropriate metrics for that, making and sharing art at your own pace and so its sustainable in the long run (go slow and preserve things, anyone?), how his album is akin to an internet dark forest (concept coined by @yancey ) and much more. I even shout out the slowcore channel at some point, and the unmovement going on here. 🌀 I leave you the link, in case anyone’s curious:
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Brunni pfp
About to start this one! Anyone else has read Carmen Maria before? It’s my first book by her but when I saw this on the bookstore I couldn’t resist. Excited to see the journeys this book will take me on!
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Brunni pfp
I'm having trouble enabling 'mint first edition'. Can you point me in the riight direction?
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Brunni pfp
Stumbled upon this audio guide on how to document grass roots communities and scenes while they're still there. Stories have tremendous power to unite and offer opportunities to those spaces when shared on the spot vs. in hindsight
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Brunni pfp
A net to set us ~~ free ☁️ Just collected this printout by @riotgoools because it’s just so inspiring
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Brunni pfp
Eris Drew drops nothing but bangers 👏
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Brunni pfp
My very first time encountering this type of authorship since AI became ubiquitous 1+ year ago I might be late to the party, but what do we think of this? I appreciate the transparency and acknowledging AI as a contributor as opposed to mere tool.
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Brunni pfp
bell hooks: “Writing to fulfil professional career expectations is not the same as writing that emerges as the fulfilment of a yearning to work with words when there’s no clear benefit or reward, when it is the experience of writing that matters” Do you agree with this distinction?
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Brunni pfp
A realistic view of electronic music on First Floor (link below) "Electronic music,has changed a lot during the past decade or so,and not always for the better. There’s a lot to critique about the current state of the culture but it’s foolish to pretend that the “before times” weren’t without their problems."
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Brunni pfp
Wen Tidal support for tips?
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Brunni pfp
A multi-hyphenated work in progress: editing photos, thinking about my process and journey so far and also sharing the writing before any editing. Anyone can relate to the feeling of love and resistance towards their craft?
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Brunni pfp
ITAP of greed
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Brunni pfp
Coming at ya on this fine day, a chill disco-electro mix. 🌸
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Brunni pfp
Everything is connected ⭕️ I see the art I collect as a representation of my interests and things I believe in, so naturally I had to collect this beauty by @soundoffractures . Our creative outputs are only boundless, and we can choose to expand it to include all types of content we put out.
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