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Humble brag: even in the midst of one of the most hectic weeks of my life - hosting family members visiting from abroad, organising my wedding, getting married!, and interviewing for a potential new job - I still managed to move at my own (slow) pace and keep my streak here. That goes to show how cozy and nurturing this channel has become. Thank you, thank you! 🐌
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Danica Swanson
Congratulations!! So glad you've been able to step right up and help steer the channel this way, Brunni. It's very much appreciated. Hope everything goes smoothly IRL.
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Same here! It feels expansive and aligned. I have to admit I thought for a second it’d be too much to moderate the channel but it’s actually had the opposite effect- it’s a nudge to carve out intentional time to come tend to the channel, even if things around me are busy. I look forward to that every day now ☺️
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Danica Swanson
That's music to my ears. Thanks for saying so.
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