Brenner pfp
Maybe Elon will run Twitter into the ground enough that Farcaster can buy it
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Mike | Abundance pfp
Mike | Abundance
I can see FC overtake X (in valuation) even without that. FC has a much greater potential then legacy closed-social graph media
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Jon Bray pfp
Jon Bray
Do we really want it though?
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Lauren Burch 🎩🔵 pfp
Lauren Burch 🎩🔵
That’s worthless now, we have Warpcast…
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Raha 🎩 🔵  pfp
Raha 🎩 🔵
It's an intriguing possibility ، 🚀 Let's see if Farcaster can turn things around if that happens
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Omar Siddiqui pfp
Omar Siddiqui
At least contribute Frames to it
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