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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
The internet and books fall short in portraying reality due to language limitations. Music, film, and art offer alternative ways to bridge this gap,
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
The internet bombards us with a constant flow of signs that never touch the core experience but amplifies our fragmented sense of self with its "comfy orbital habitats" that reflect only an illusory wholeness.
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
While books offer a more structured engagement with language, they are still limited by the Symbolic Order™️They can't capture the raw experience (the Real) either. The endless pursuit of MOAR words online or a curated narrative in books is a distraction from this fundamental lack in language.
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
The yearning for wholeness through the internet or books (I find more capitalistic value|ROI in books) may be a longing for a lost unity shattered by language itself. The key takeaway is that true innovation lie in confronting the limitations of language and encountering the unsymbolizable aspect of experience.
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