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I’m out of touch with NFT/art meta, but it seems like most works I see on L2s originate there and stay there. Are there platforms for buying/bidding on L2 but settling to L1? Would love to bid in a cheap L2 auction for an option that settles on L1. Something like a bespoke programmable bridge. (Maybe @phil knows.)
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We sold mint passes on an L2 for this reason but minted the art on an L1. Not sure how common it is to bridge L2 assets to L1 tho. Most people don’t seem to care.
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layerzero ONFT bridges should allow anyone to bridge between compatible EVM's most people do not care. but in the future if a l2 where to close collections can be migrated back to another l2 or mainnet just by deploying a contract and bridging assets. that's neat
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I also had this idea for a crosschain nft collection where you can chosee which l2 to mint it on, and allowed to bridge, and each chain instills custom traits/visual differences to the base art... but.. nfts are hard, its just art, people shouldn't try to make money with them prob
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so bridginig to all chains once could be like a way to unlock all possible outcomes of your base nft
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