Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
We’re relaunching @farcon ticket sales tomorrow at 1PM EST at a reduced price of 0.01 ETH 🫡 We really appreciate your feedback and support yesterday and wrote a Screenshot Essay with all the details 💜 In the replies, there’s a blog post that goes into pricing/other notes 🔥
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billzh.eth 🎩 @ FarCon pfp
billzh.eth 🎩 @ FarCon
Great speed and amazing post! Curious why are paying speakers to come? If someone doesn't want to speak without comp, doesn't it mean this person cares little about the FC community? And who listens to talks anyway
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
😂 Thanks for the feedback, man People have different thoughts about speakers so we’re trying to balance that - we’ll be thoughtful no matter what though, but also if we specifically asked someone to come we would like to help make it easier to get here if we can.
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