50 isn’t the new 30. Mediocrity seems more palatable with cute slogans. It’s not ok to grow old without a legacy worth mentioning.
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It's a rather passive aggressive slogan that normalises the state of the economy where you have to save enough of your earnings until you reach 50 to live an actual life, while in the past being 30 would have been achievable at 20.
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EXACTLY the chants, the slogans, the ‘self-empowerment’ kumbaya the stories they tell us about how ‘it’s ok’ to take your time… It’s all meant to keep us in a state of complacency. To be ‘grateful’ for what we have. Never driving for more.
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In this light it does sound like boomerganda to make younger people feel okay they can’t afford houses or anything that normal human adults should be able to achieve in a more functional society
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Exactly the point I’m trying to make. Lowered expectations, mediocrity is baked into the system. It’s there by design
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