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Donald Bullers pfp
Donald Bullers
We all have LinkedIn, but none of us love it. Let's talk about extending Farcaster to capture some of its 1 billion users. Say you were able to bring your business profile over: What would you keep and what would be left behind?
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
I’d keep everything - but I’d add some real confirmations of claimed results - probably through attestation 🤷‍♂️ Which would also solve the references issue that’s kinda cringe 😬
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Donald Bullers pfp
Donald Bullers
Usage of attestations would be a game changer. Appreciate the input 100 $degen If you were expanding your Farcaster profile would you go personal or business first?
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