July pfp
I’ve often thought of crypto as money not meant to be used by humans (for the majority of use cases), but rather to be used by much more by and for machines
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Hal pfp
Agree that the machines should use block chain for efficiency of transfer. But I do think humans should be using a new form of value. Maybe you just mean it shouldn't feel complicated? I totally agree there. My point though is we should be denominating value in a scare assets that's value comes from supply and demand.
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July pfp
being excited about humans using a new form of value is like being excited about VoIP in the 80s, like that famous AT&T ad yes, it will happen (humans using the new form of value) but when it does it, it'll be so normal. i believe that the future that we will be excited about will be impossible to extrapolate today
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Hal pfp
I don't understand what voice over ip has to do with scarcity. You're comparing technology to monetary economics. 100 years ago we used scare money directly or as a base for national currency
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July pfp
Not an exact comparison but more of a metaphor, technologies come along and they change things but often in ways we don’t end up expecting, imo
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