₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp

₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺


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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
Ok sorted. Huge delay out here in the middle of nowhere, they’ll arrive mid May I’m told 😂
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
NVM, I found it. Now to find where they even sell Thrasher mag near me haha
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
WANT! What mag is it?
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
Most of them have simple ways to import from another. It’s super easy importing into 1Password, but when switching, it’s a great time to start fresh with the new, and only add things as you use them. I find newer categorization feels fresher and more enjoyable to use without old clutter that’s unused anymore.
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
FWIW I use both Dashlane and 1Password and have used both for years. I like Dashlane better in almost all cases except sharing logins. 1Password is better at setting up shared vaults and multi person access with built in 2fa single code gen. I typically use Dashlane and Authy combo for most things by default.
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
😂 the daily journal entry right there
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
Still early. The cool thing about this is while a lot of people are conditioned to think a sub 1m mc token may have peaked, good ones have huge potential. I appreciate all the early notifications I can get.
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
Eyyyy nice!
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leoclark.base.eth.⌐◨-◨🎩 pfp
Amazing news! Benbodhi: Decoded was just selected by Absurd Film Festival - Bimonthly awards via http://FilmFreeway.com The first outcome is an Honorable mention! The film is going to Italy! A great start @benbodhi ♥️ ⌐◨-◨ https://assurdofilmfestival.com/news/awards-of-february-march-2025/
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
Hmmm not sure tbh Could write a simple python script and use alchemy api to get this though.
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
Incredible run we’ve had! So many fun times and so many new internet friends, some even IRL now. 🥹 🙏 🤍 ⌐◨-◨
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Toady Hawk pfp
Toady Hawk
In about 5 hours from now, we will be hosting our 1000th consecutive daily episode of The Noun O’ Clock LIVE Show over on X. As we announced earlier this year, this will be our final episode of the show after 3 years of hosting it daily. ⌐◨-◨ We’ve commissioned the talented @ilustradora.eth to create a beautiful commemorative free mint edition to mark the occasion, depicting our beloved NOC mascot Nouny Clock relaxing on he beach and enjoying his hard-earned retirement. It is an open edition and is free to collect for one week, collect on @highlight with your warplet in the frame below. [link to tonight's Space and a few more boring thoughts from me in the short thread below] https://highlight.xyz/mint/base:0x254b4718b6385F59Bb3C4544A74aDecAbe1A2cff:1?referrer=0x0b379F1848fA2aab7790966373618F4B0Fea6A6e
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bradq pfp
A Salute to Noun O'Clock Live (my /firstdraft ) Tonight is the 1,000th *straight* & final show. Many won't know Noun O'Clock Live, but if you've come across @zerorightsmedia w/ @toadyhawk.eth & @jackwyldes.eth that was born out of Noun O'Clock LIve--a daily show for all things /nouns I was there in the beginning as a daily listener. NOC Live helped me make Nouns my first home in web3. They were fun & informative, dedicated to helping people like me learn how a DAO could steward 10s of millions of dollars to promote a brand & do good in the world. On 8/8/22, they did a 24 hr show for the 1st Anniversary of Nouns. I was one of their guests because I had just joined Nouncil (Nounish Council) & had won my first prophouse. That show regularly comes into my mind. I have art on my wall from it (s/o @messhup ). I can't tell my web3 story w/o talking a lot about The NounSquare & NOC Live. So, thank you @toadyhawk.eth @benbodhi @nounishprof @supertightwoody @robotfishgirl @aubtoshi among others 🫡
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
I’m yet to create a nice gallery. Was going to mint them in a collection but all the minting meta been changing so fast. Still trying to decide what to do exactly. Worst case I’ll have the car’s dedicated website up very soon, with a bunch of great photos. Here’s another banger
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
🥹 🙏
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
This is a concise version of what I’d try to explain I think. 👏
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
Awesome, thank you
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₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺ pfp
₿Ξnbodhi ✦⁺
Hey legend, So I’m hoping to get ahead of the coming Clanker updates and integrate the new contract features into my discord bot. Any chance you and/or @dish would be willing to share the contract so I can start working on it to be ready for launch? Pretty Pleeeeeeaase 🙏
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leoclark.base.eth.⌐◨-◨🎩 pfp
18 film festivals ✅ 30 to go. Thanks Nounsfolk 🙏 Let's go @benbodhi 🤘 I am especially excited about Mammoth Lakes where I spent my 1st full season on the snow, working as a lift operator and learning to snowboard. It would be a dream come true to be back there as a filmmaker. April 7! 🤞
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