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blobz-wtf.eth pfp
Official BLOBZ/WETH liquidity pool has been set up on @aerodrome! We've configured to redirect to the appropriate trading pair to make sure you don't get scammed by any imposters. Initial trading price is near what you'd pay in gas to mint via proof-of-blob. Buy in before we MOON!
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Roberto Bayardo 🎩 pfp
Roberto Bayardo 🎩
Looks like you over-shot on the initial trading price a bit, but aribtragers already bringing the price in line :)
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blobz-wtf.eth pfp
Hah, I set the price based roughly on what it cost me to mint them yesterday when gas prices were higher. I didn't expect them to fall this low, but fun to see the market at work. I've just been minting more!
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