Kyle pfp



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Kyle pfp
I've "fake moved" a couple times since I've been in my apt forever. Just pack everything in boxes and take out what I need. Haven't got to the part of getting rid of the boxes full of stuff I don't use tho I also still hold on to a box of "sentimental clothes" I'll never wear again but am attached to the memories 🙈
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Kyle pfp
not long until you're considered a weirdo outlier for raising your own kids (if thats not already the case with education systems these days)
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Kyle pfp
One of these days we'll have to trade a disc golf round in for me to try this, looks brutally tough with that much sway. Do you just use a regular climbing harness?
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Kyle pfp
This makes me want to laugh more. Way more. I miss my inner child haha. I don't have much of an allowance, but take my peasant's allotment of 5 $degen haha
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Kyle pfp
Update: it did not go well, felt bad for my partner since it was random flip doubles
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Kyle pfp
Sure thing, will be praying for that for you!
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Kyle pfp
I could use a prayer for peace in my mind. How can I return the prayer for you?
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Kyle pfp
That's a good idea. I wanted to say a little on the process and experience of writing poetry for me, but I get the ease of just seeing the poems and I like the screenshot idea. I'll add those to the thread of casts!
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Kyle pfp
Thank you!! I never realized (or remembered) how hard it is to write a poem, especially one I'm proud of (but these feel like they are on their way)
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Kyle pfp
Here it is, after a long and late night trying to finish. My attempt at poetry. This one was a rough one to get the creative juices flowing and to feel confident enough to publish these. Let me know what ya'll think!
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Kyle pfp
For /firstdraft I've been challenging myself to write different forms of writing than I usually do. Last week was short semi-fiction. This week, I tried poetry (or as best I could muster for it). It truly was a challenge (and a struggle). Here it is, my 1st poems:
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Kyle pfp
It's so wild how steep the line looks on each side when you're in the middle of it
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Kyle pfp
Nice work getting up first time out!! What'd you think? Did you catch the bug?
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Kyle pfp
Enjoy it! Always feels great to disconnect
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Kyle pfp
Could maybe use the UDisc round ratings that go 0-300 but that doesn't work for all courses and wouldn't factor in wind or conditions, but probably closest you could get. My best rounds get to around 200, but usually I'm like a 180 level player
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Kyle pfp
Playing league for the first time in a few months this morning. Ace pot is juicy. Ready to grip it and rip it
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Kyle pfp
Name one thing better than popping popcorn and having no unpopped kernels after 🤌
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Kyle pfp
A cool memorial at the dog park
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Kyle pfp
Food: ice cream or my grandma's fried rice Song: Simple Man (shinedown version) Season: spring Phone background: me and all my nieces/nephews "Coffee" order: matcha w/ honey I'll add one. Drink: New Glarus Two Women or Spotted Cow
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Kyle pfp
Makes me curious tho, are there any bootstrapped, non-VC funded cos that launched a polished, great product before receiving funding without launching light and iterating first?
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